Seishun Buta Yarou Series, also known as Rascal Does Not Dream, is a supernatural school light novel series written by Hajime Kamoshida and illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi. The light novel received an anime adaptation in the Fall of 2018. The Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai anime has been considered a hit, according to MyAnimeList Top 1000. If you liked the anime and can’t wait for the next season, you could continue the story in the light novel.
The 13-episode season one of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai anime covered the first five volumes of the Rascal Does Not Dream light novel series. The movie Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl covers the sixth and seventh volumes of the light novel. Therefore, you can start reading the light novel from volume eight, titled Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister on an Outing.
Kamoshida launched the Rascal Does Not Dream series in 2014 in ASCII Media Work’s Dengeki Bunko imprint. Since then, the light novel has been released in 11 volumes.
The first season of the anime, animated by CloverWorks, aired on ABC and other channels from October 4 to December 27, 2018. An anime film adaptation, also animated by CloverWorks, premiered on June 15, 2019.
Yen Press began publishing the series in English in 2020 with this synopsis: Bunny girls do not live in libraries. It is simply common sense. And yet, that’s exactly where Sakuta finds one in the wild. More bewildering is who the bunny girl is: Mai Sakurajima, a girl one year older than Sakuta, famous at their school for her acting career even though she’s currently on break. To top it all off, it seems like no one else in the library can see Mai at all, no matter what she does or wears. Wanting to find out more about this mystery and maybe get a little closer to this beautiful upperclassman in the process, Sakuta launches an investigation to discover why an unforgettable bunny girl keeps becoming totally invisible.