Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! is a slice-of-life manga series written and illustrated by Take. The manga received an anime adaptation in the summer of 2019. Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! anime has been considered a hit, according to MAL Top 10000. So, if you liked the anime and can’t wait for the next season, you could continue the story in the manga.
The 12-episode season one of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! anime covered the first 34 chapters of the Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! manga. Therefore, you can start reading the manga from chapter 35, titled Kouhai and the End of Break, volume 4 of the Japanese and English-translated versions.
Take launched the Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! as a manga series and later serialized the manga through Niconico Seiga’s Dra Dra Sharp website. Since then, the manga has been compiled into 8 volumes.
The first season of the anime, animated by studio ENGI, aired on AT-X and other channels from July 10 to September 25, 2019. The anime’s second season is set to premiere in the fall of 2022.
Seven Seas began publishing the series in English in 2019 with this synopsis: A little quiet is all Sakurai Shinichi wants in life. But his brash, well-endowed freshman, Uzaki Hana, has other ideas. She only desires his company so she can make fun of him. With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!