Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu) is an isekai fantasy light novel series written by Rifujin na Magonote and illustrated by Sirotaka. The light novel received an anime adaptation in the Winter of 2021. Mushoku Tensei anime has been considered a hit, according to MAL Top 1000. If you liked the anime and can’t wait for the next season, you could continue the story in the light novel or the manga.
The 11-episode first half of Mushoku Tensei anime covered the first 3 volumes, and the 12-episode second half covered upto volume 6 of the light novel. Therefore, you can start reading the light novel from volume 7. In addition, there is also a manga adaptation, which you can start from chapter 52, titled An Adventurer Caught in a Quagmire, volume 11.
Mushoku Tensei began as a web novel series and later received light novel publication under Media Factory’s MF Books imprint. Since then, the light novel has been compiled into 25 volumes and had over 8.5 million copies in circulation as of August 2022.
The first half of the anime, animated by Studio Bind, aired on Tokyo MX and other networks from January 11 to March 22, 2021. The anime’s second half aired from October 4 to December 20, 2021.
Seven Seas Entertainment started publishing the series in English with this synopsis: Kicked out by his family and wandering the streets, an unemployed 34-year-old shut-in thinks he’s hit rock bottom— he’s hit and killed by a speeding truck! Awakening to find himself reborn as an infant in a world of swords and sorcery, but with the memories of his first life intact, Rudeus Greyrat is determined not to repeat his past mistakes. So instead, he’s going to make the most of this reincarnation as he sets off on the adventure of a second lifetime!