Gangsta is an adventure-thriller manga series written and illustrated by Kohske. The manga received an anime adaptation in the summer of 2015. Gangsta anime has been considered a hit, according to MAL Top 10000. So, if you liked the anime and can’t wait for the next season, you could continue the story in the manga.
The 12-episode season one of Gangsta anime covered the first 28 chapters of the Gangsta manga. Therefore, you can start reading the manga from chapter 29, volume 6 of the Japanese and English-translated versions.
Kohske launched the Gangsta manga series in Shinchosha’s Monthly Comic @BUNCH magazine. Since then, the manga has been compiled into 8 volumes. The manga also inspired a spin-off series, titled Gangsta.:Cursed. EP_Marco Adriano, which focuses on Marco Adriano, a character from the original Gangsta manga.
The first season of the anime, animated by Manglobe, aired on Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Tokyo MX, TV Aichi, and BS11 from July 2 to September 24, 2015.
VIZ began publishing the series in English in 2014 with this synopsis: There are some dirty deeds that not even the city of Ergastulum’s jaded residents can touch; a raunchy place populated by made men and petty thieves, whores on the make, and cops on the take. This is where Nic and Worick, the “handymen,” come in to handle the tasks that no one else will. That is, until the day a cop they know asks for their assistance in taking down a new gang that is invading the territory of a prominent Mafia family. Though it seems like the usual business for them, the handymen are about to realize that this job is much more than they bargained for.