Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) is one of the next big Shonen Jump series with a premise that follows the standard battle shounen formula on top of the superhero concept with an underdog plot. While the series has a boilerplate story, the creator has put a lot of effort into adding lots of emotional and heart-driven moments that anyone can easily fall in love with.
The anime adaptation by studio Bones took the story of Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) on another level with its smooth fight scenes and goosebump-inducing music and pacing. In addition, there are a plethora of likable characters, with each receiving a moment from different arcs to get some character development. Overall, any fan of the shonen genre can easily binge-watch My Hero Academia.
If you are thinking of giving Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) anime a try, here’s a guide to help you watch it in the correct order.
Table of Contents
Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) Watch Order:
1. Boku no Hero Academia
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia
Episodes: 13
2. Boku no Hero Academia: Sukue! Kyuujo Kunren!
Alternate Title: None
Episodes: 1 (OVA)
3. Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season (Episodes 1-19)
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia 2
Episodes: 1-19 out of 25
4. Boku no Hero Academia: Training of the Dead
Alternate Title: None
Episodes: 1 (OVA)
5. Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season (Episodes 20-25)
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia 2
Episodes: 20-25 out of 25
6. Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season (Episodes 1-20)
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia 3
Episodes: 1-20 out of 25
7. Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
Episodes: 1 (Movie)
8. Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season (Episodes 21-25)
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia 3
Episodes: 21-25 out of 25
9. Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia Season 4
Episodes: 25
10. Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
Alternate Title: None
Episodes: 1 (Movie)
11. Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia Season 5
Episodes: 25
12. Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes’ Mission
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission
Episodes: 1 (Movie)
13. Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
Alternate Title: My Hero Academia Season 6
Episodes: Not aired yet.
My Hero Academia (Boku no Hero Academia) is a school-action anime series adapted from the manga series of the same name, written and drawn by Kouhei Horikoshi.
Synopsis: Superpowers called quirks have become a regular part of everyone’s life. But with the rise of criminals using their quirks for nefarious purposes, becoming a superhero is now a career path. But not everyone has glorious powers. In fact, some are even quirk-less.
Izuku Midoriya is one such quirk-less high school student who still aspires to become a hero despite being powerless. One day, a faithful encounter with All Might, his role model, leads to Izuku realizing his dream is not dead. All Might gives Izuku a chance to become a hero.