Vinland Saga is a Japanese historical manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Yukimura. The manga received an anime adaptation in the Summer of 2019. The Vinland Saga anime has been considered one of the best anime series of all time, according to MAL Top 100. If you liked the anime and can’t wait for the next season, you could continue the story in the manga.
The 24-episode season one of Vinland Saga anime covered the first 54 chapters of the Vinland Saga manga. Therefore, you can start reading the manga from chapter 55, titled Slave, volume 10 of the Japanese version, and volume 5 of the English-translated version.
Yukimura launched the Vinland Saga series in 2005 in Kodansha’s Weekly Shounen Magazine. Since then, the manga has been compiled into 12 volumes and had over 5.5 million copies in print as of July 2021. In addition, the series won the 36th Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga in 2012.
The first season of the anime, animated by Wit Studio, aired on NHK General TV from July to December 2019. The second season of the anime, animated by MAPPA, is set to premiere on Tokyo MX and BS11 in January 2023.
Kodansha Comics began publishing the series in English in 2013 with this synopsis: As a child, Thorfinn sat at the feet of the great Leif Ericson and was thrilled to wild tales of a land far to the west. But his youthful fantasies were shattered by a mercenary raid. Raised by the Vikings who murdered his family, Thorfinn became a terrifying warrior, forever seeking to kill the band’s leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father. Sustaining Thorfinn through his ordeal is his pride in his family and his dreams of a fertile westward land, a land without war or slavery, the land Leif called Vinland.